

The CPU burns to the machine. If the radiator is used, you will be stupid.

The CPU burns to the machine. If the radiator is used, you will be stupid.

Many DIY players are cautious and cautious in hardware selection when they are down, so that different hardware combinations can play a greater role. For high-performance processors, you need to use efficient radiators to protect the long time. The temperature is running.There are many points in the choice of the heat ···

Electricity shortage in winter When the air conditioner encounters unstable voltage, what should I do?

During the peak season of power consumption in winter, the situation of unstable voltage may appear under certain circumstances. At this time, it is necessary to see if the electrical appliances in the home can stand up.···

Intelligent sweeping machine gradually walks away from the people's line

Technology mature smart sweeper prices are lowerFrom the initial brooms and vacuum cleaners to the current intelligent sweeping robots, humans have used wisdom to create miracles. The intelligent sweeping machine seems t···
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